What Are My Options if I Want My Teeth Removed & Replaced?
While it’s more common for someone to remove and replace a single tooth or a few teeth, there are still situations where a patient will be looking to replace all of their teeth at once. If you have a long history of neglecting your dental care, have experienced dental trauma, or if you have certain genetic issues that affect your oral health, you might be able to relate. North Richland Hills Dentistry offers a few different options to restore your smile.
Traditional Full Dentures
Full dentures are probably the most popular option for people who want to replace all of their teeth at the same time. This is true for a number of reasons. For one, dentures have long been a proven restorative method, and they also happen to be one of the more affordable tooth-replacement options. Traditional dentures stay in place because of adhesives and suction. No surgery is required and the dentures can be ready in a short period of time. Every time we provide a patient with dentures, we make sure they look natural and fit comfortably so they can regain full confidence in their smile.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are biocompatible posts which are surgically placed into your gums. They help maintain bone integrity where you previously had tooth roots. After a period of healing, the implants are used to secure your custom created tooth restoration. Dental implants can be used for each missing tooth or in combination with other restorative options, like dentures.
Implant-Supported Dentures
Another option is to get implant-supported dentures. Here a full arch of teeth is fixed in place by four dental implants. This is often seen as a better option for those replacing more than a couple of teeth. While this option is more expensive than traditional dentures, many people love how secure and natural the dentures feel.
Full Mouth Restoration in Richland Hills, TX
While doing some research on your own is a great first step, the best way to go through your options is to consult a dental professional who can become familiar with your specific case. Dr. Desai at North Richland Hills Dentistry will consider the many factors that can determine what option is best for you. These can include your budget, the current state of your oral health, and your own personal preferences. If you’re ready to see a dentist about restoring your smile, contact us for a consultation! We also offer a variety of payment methods to make the restoration of your smile more affordable.
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Best Way to Clean Dentures
If you have dentures, it’s important that you do your part to take good care of them so that they last as long as possible. Additionally, properly functioning dentures help you keep your oral health in great condition. Don’t worry though, cleaning your dentures isn’t complicated! Here’s what you need to know about the best way to clean your dentures.
Daily Brushing
You should be brushing your dentures at least once a day. To do this, use a soft-bristled brush and nonabrasive denture cleanser. Both of these components are important so that you don’t damage your dentures or leave marks on the surface. With daily brushing, you can remove any food and bacteria that gets stuck or trapped on your dentures.
Overnight Soaking
Aside from your daily brushing, make sure you’re soaking your dentures overnight. This helps them keep their correct shape. You can either place them in water or in a specific denture-soaking solution. If you’re using water, make sure the water is not hot since high temperatures can distort your dentures. If you use a solution, you need to rinse your dentures before putting them back on in the morning so you don’t accidentally ingest some solution.
Consult Your Dentist
Having a hard time keeping your dentures clean? If there’s a build-up of stains on your dentures, you can bring them to your dental team at North Richland Hills Dentistry so that we can give them a professional cleaning. Dr. Desai and our team can also give you individualized tips for how to keep your dentures clean at home.
Dentures & More at North Richland Hills Dentistry
If you have any additional questions related to taking care of your dentures, don’t hesitate to call or email us at North Richland Hills Dentistry. We provide full and partial dentures as part of our restorative dental services, and our friendly team is more than happy to help. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
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Image by Authority Dental under CC 2.0
What Are the Best Tooth Replacement Options
If you’re missing a tooth, there’s no reason to fret about the future of your smile. Modern dental technology has made it possible for us to offer natural, comfortable tooth replacement options that will make you forget that your replacement is not the real thing. What’s the best tooth replacement option for your smile? Read on as we highlight the transformative restorative procedures offered here at North Richland Hills Dentistry.
Fixed Dental Bridges
When you’re missing one or more teeth, bridges are a great restoration option to turn to. A bridge will be used to provide false teeth to fill the gap left by the missing teeth. The bridge is held in a permanent place by dental crowns on either side of the gap.
Dentures are often portrayed badly in cartoons and other popular culture, but today’s dentures are much improved from what they once were. When considering dentures, you’ll have the choice between full or partial dentures depending on how many teeth you're missing. It's possible to replace a section or even an entire arch of teeth. Unlike a fixed bridge, partial dentures are removable just like their full counterpart.
Dental Implants
Implants are different from the two options stated above. They replace the entire root of the tooth. The implant itself is a titanium post that is surgically placed in the jaw and fuses with the bone as it heals. This creates a sturdy base for the realistic false tooth to be placed on. Implants create a sturdy, natural replacement and help to preserve the integrity of the jaw bone. Implants can also be used as a base to support your dentures.
Restorative Dentistry in North Richland Hills, TX
Ready to get on the road to tooth replacement? Your first stop is a consultation here at North Richland Hills Dentistry. Call our office or visit our website today to request your visit.
Image by Authority Dental under CC 2.0
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