Marketing Dental Products

In our consumer-driven society, you’ll find marketing everywhere. There are billboards you pass while driving to work, ads that pop up when you’re surfing the web and flyers that are stuffed in your mailbox. Sometimes, it can be hard to separate what’s real and what’s fancy marketing. In the dental world, teeth whitening products are heavily marketed. Often consumers are promised results that are dramatic, fast, and cheap.

Whitening Strips

One of these products are whitening strips that you can purchase at the drugstore or grocery store. While some teeth whitening strips can help lift stains, they’re not as effective as the kind of treatment you’ll get at a dental office. Your dentist will use a more powerful bleaching agent. So the treatment won't cost much, but the results won't be fast or dramatic. On top of that, these whitening strips come with a risk of uneven results, tooth sensitivity and gum irritation.

Whitening Toothpaste

Another product marketed to whiten teeth is whitening toothpaste. It’s a similar story here. Some whitening toothpastes may brighten your smile a bit, but they can only help slightly to fix surface-level stains. If your stains reach deeper than that, the toothpaste won't be effective. You haven't really wasted your money though. You need to use toothpaste to brush your teeth and whitening toothpaste isn't much more than the basic variety. However, again, the results will not be dramatic and whitening toothpaste takes even longer to show noticeable results than whitening strips.

Professional Teeth Whitening

If you want to effectively whiten your teeth, North Richland Hills Dentistry offers in-office teeth whitening. In only an hour, you'll see a dramatic improvement in the whiteness of your teeth. This is not a marketing ploy. It's a fact that comes from using a high-quality, concentrated bleaching gel that will be professionally applied by our experienced team to reach every part of your teeth. It isn't as cheap as whitening strips or toothpaste, but the results are beautiful and long-lasting.

Cosmetic Dentist in North Richland Hills<?h2>

Dr. Desai can help you determine which of our cosmetic services will best enhance your smile. In addition to whitening, we offer Invisalign® clear aligners and porcelain veneers. On top of the comprehensive dental services that we provide, our team can also advise on what’s fact and fiction when it comes to your oral health. We can answer your questions about dental products or techniques you’ve seen marketed. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us!

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What Are Teeth Made Of?

Have you ever thought about what your teeth are made of? Here, we’ll give you a rundown of what’s inside your pearly whites.


But first, let’s discuss what exactly is inside your mouth. Most adults have 32 permanent teeth, meaning the teeth that come in after you’ve lost your baby teeth. The middlemost four teeth on your upper and lower jaws are called the incisors and there are 8 in total. Next are the 4 canines, the pointed teeth that are next to the incisors on both the upper and lower jaws. Then there are the 8 premolars which are the teeth that are in between the canines and molars on the upper and lower jaws. Next are the molars, which are the 8 flat teeth in the back of the mouth that are used to grind up your food. Last are your 4 wisdom teeth all the way in the back. These are usually removed after they’ve erupted in order to prevent them from displacing other teeth.

Now onto what’s inside your teeth.


The first layer of your tooth is called the enamel. It is the hardest part of your tooth and made of calcium phosphate. It acts as the first line of defense against any dental issues such as cavities. Acid can weaken the enamel and lead to tooth decay.


Dentin is the next layer and is hard tissue that contains microscopic tubes. It’s more delicate than your enamel and if that outer layer is weakened, cold and heat can reach the dentin and cause tooth sensitivity. Naturally yellow in color, if your enamel has thinned out, the dentin layer can show through and cause your teeth to look discolored.


The next layer is called the pulp. This is the soft, living inner structure of the tooth, considered living because connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels run through the pulp to nourish the tooth. The pulp has two parts: the pulp chamber, located in the crown of the tooth, and the root canal, located in the root of the tooth. Blood vessels and nerves enter the root and go through the canal into the pulp chamber.


The cementum is the next layer, and is composed of connective tissue that covers the outside of the root under the gum line. Cementum is hard as bone and firmly binds the roots of the teeth to the gums and jawbone.

Periodontal ligament

The last part of your tooth is called the periodontal ligament. This is a tissue that holds the teeth against the jaw.

We Care About Your Teeth!

We care about your teeth and overall oral health. If you have any other questions about the composition of your teeth, any oral health concerns, or to schedule an appointment, contact us today!